Asna Mol Majeed

Official IYMC Ambassador

Asna Mol Majeed
Newcomer Ambassador
(Score: 0)

Alappuzha, India
Ghss Kalavoor

I am ASNA MOL MAJEED here ! From southern distrit of Kerala India As a responsible and unique ambassador of INTERNATIONAL YOUTH MATH CHALLENGE, strictly and focusly intentioned in encouraging your creativity and knowledge in the universal biggest and widest sector of possibilities "MATHS". Also I am here to provide the whole facilities to all your member's creative thinking in our field and complete promotion for it only in the basis of your creativity and intention with out any backwardness.All of you can contact me at any time for your any intentions and help in any field of your study. We should make our team best and special because of our creative field workshops,group projects by use of online platforms,discussions etc. Irrespective of place,country, gender or anything we are a group of students beyond any age limit about to our common way of thinking. We will make our team not only as an initiative but also as a "HISTORY".. Thank you and also welcome all of you..

Contact: asnmajeed(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team