Jhordan Albherty Tavares Santiago

Official IYMC Ambassador

Jhordan Albherty Tavares Santiago
Experienced Ambassador
(Score: 90)

Campina Grande, Brazil
Colegio Imaculada Conceicao - Damas

Hi! My name is Jhordan Santiago, I'm 16 years old and I'm from Brazil. I really love science and math, and that's why I participate in activities related to this, such as being a translator of scientific articles for the largest platform for scientific dissemination in the portuguese language, besides, I am a medalist in scientific olympics and recently participated in a winter program about physics and math at the University of Sao Paulo, the best university in Latin America. If you love math, like me I'm sure IYMC will be a great experience for you.

Contact: jhosantiago(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team